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It is true that there are many different sensors available in the market which can be used to detect changes in air pressure, displacement, sound waves etc. With the help of these sensors users can measure various parameters of air pressure, sound waves etc. The issue with these sensors is that they are often costly and have a long lead time before it can be delivered. However with advancements in 3D printing technology it has become possible to build inexpensive sensors which are much more reliable than their counterparts. Users can even create custom sensors according to their need using 3D printers. Today one can build almost any kind of sensor using the 3D printers available in the market. The question which arises here is what are the considerations that one must keep in mind when designing these custom sensors? The main issue while designing these custom sensors is that they should be able to detect minute changes in pressure, sound waves etc. If you are trying to create a pressure sensor then it should be able to detect small changes in pressure. The same holds true for other sensors as well. It is important that the sensors should be able to work with changes in pressure and displacement without any hindrance. In other words the sensors should be so designed that it can perform with a small modification as is required. In this paper various different kinds of sensors have been analyzed based on their performance, cost and efficiency. Apart from this there are some other aspects which have been analysed as per the current standards of 3D printing technology along with a comparison with previous technologies.A basic requirement which must be kept in mind while designing a custom sensor is the speed of printing the sensor using 3D printers. It has been observed that there are many issues related to speed which one must keep in view while designing custom sensors. The speed of printing has to be adjusted depending on the material types used for printing. If the material is too soft then the speed of printing is slowed down. This means that one can print a sensor which can detect small changes but not with the speed at which it is required. On the other hand if one uses a very hard material then printing is not possible at all. Highly reflective materials like metals also slow down the speed of printing by volume. No matter how many layers are printed using this material they will not be able to achieve any kind of accuracy needed in sensors or actuators. For a 3D printed sensor one has to keep in mind the cost of material used for printing. It is true that there are many different materials which can be used for printing such as thermoplastics, wood and ceramics. However there are some limitations which can be caused by the material used for printing. For example if you use a very expensive thermoplastic then it will cost a lot in comparison to when you use a cheap plastic. There is also a chance that the sensor made using cheaper plastic may not be very accurate when it comes to detecting smaller changes in parameters. cfa1e77820